Thursday, October 31, 2013

Why Beauty Matters

Monet's Wisteria-original study
8 x 10 Oil Painting
by Pat Fiorello
Last week I was working on a painting of Monet's Garden. I started using a different approach than I typically do. Instead of laying down transparent colors I started with darks all over then lifted away the lights.

 I wasn't too happy with how it was coming along but wasn't quite sure what was missing. But instead of struggling with no direction, I went back and did another version with the approach I use most often and completed that one which I shared in my post on 10/23.

 With that one in hand, I went back and compared the 2 and was able to see how to continue on with the first version. The revised version 1 is shown here.
Often finding a solution is not a direct path as in the case of this painting.

The other day I came across an excellent video by BBC where philosopher Roger Scruton presents a provocative essay on the importance of beauty in the arts and in our lives. Here's the link  if you are interested in learning more on the subjectWhy Beauty Matters. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Monet's Wisteria

Monet's Wisteria
8 x 10 Oil Painting
by Pat Fiorello
Several years ago, I taught a painting workshop at Monet's Garden in Giverny France.  It's a beautiful, magical place, sometimes referred to as a "riot of color."

I worked on this small painting of one of the bridges covered in Wisteria today. Actually, it's my 2nd attempt. I started another version last week. Was not happy with it, but not quite sure what needed to be adjusted.  Had tried a new approach putting in darks and wiping out lights, but wasn't pleased with it.

 So today rather than be stopped by that one which I felt a little stuck on, I decided to do a fresh painting of the same subject with the method I typically use- transparent color underpainting, followed by opaques- as access to possibly discover what is missing from the first one.

Now that I got a better handle on this fairly complex and busy subject with the method I normally use, I am going to go back to the first version and see what needs to be adjusted to bring it to a finish. Will keep you posted on what I learn.

In other news, this past Saturday was my first official book signing for my new book "Bella Italia, Italy Through the Eyes of an Artist". The event was hosted by one of my galleries, Frameworks Gallery in Marietta, GA in conjunction with a show of about 25 of the 80 paintings that are in the book. The show goes thru Nov 2. My thanks to the many friends, collectors and new acquaintances that came by. Special thanks to Sunny, Diane and Jean of Frameworks Gallery for being our gracious hosts and doing a beautiful job, as always, on the framing and displaying of the artwork.

Many of the paintings included in the book are already sold, including the painting on the cover of the book which just sold this weekend, but other beautiful images of Italy are still available. I am offering a free personalized signed book with the purchase of any painting during the duration of this show, so you are invited to visit the gallery to take a look.

If you'd like a signed copy of the book for either yourself or as a gift, click here to order and one will be on it's way to you.


Order Here

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Classic Lilacs II

Classic Lilacs II
16 x 20 Oil Painting
by Pat Fiorello

I took another small study (6 x 8) done during last month's 30 in 30 challenge and scaled it up to a much larger (16 x 20) interpretation of the same bouquet.
Here's the larger image and a copy of the original study. I may still make a few minor tweaks to the larger painting before I declare it complete, but think I got the essence of it here.

Classic Lilacs study
6 x 8

Just a reminder, I'll be signing copies of my book at Frameworks Gallery in Marietta, GA this Saturday, October 19, 2-5PM. A copy of the invitation  is below. You are welcome to attend the signing and show of select paintings from the book on display at the gallery.

If you are unable to attend but would like a copy of the book, click here to order on-line. I'll be happy to sign the book for you, just let me know if you want me to inscribe it to you or to another name if it is for a gift.

You're invited 
"Bella Italia"
Italy Through the Eyes of an Artist
Please join us for the launch of an inspired new book that will take you on an irresistible visual journey. Author Pat Fiorello will be personally autographing books and exhibiting a number of her featured paintings. 
OCTOBER 19, 2013
From 2pm to 5pm



Bella Italia book by Pat Fiorello
$35 plus $5 shipping
click HERE to order on-line

Monday, October 7, 2013

Elegance - 20 x 20

20 x 20 Oil Painting
 by Pat Fiorello
Well, now that the 30 in 3 challenge is behind me and I took a couple of days off to refresh, I started on a new series of florals in larger sizes. This one, Elegance is a 20 x 20 scaled up from one of the small studies I'd done last month (Elegance 8 x 8), posted on September 22 .  The larger format gave me more opportunity for subtle color changes within the flowers.

Friday, October 4, 2013

30 Days Hath September

30 Days Hath September
Collage of 30 paintings completed  by Pat Fiorello
during 30 in 30 challenge
Well I'm relieved that September is over. I took on the 30 in 30 challenge to complete 30 paintings during the month along with over 400 other artists all participating on-line and sharing  daily via their blogs. Thanks to Leslie Saeta, the sponsor of the challenge and, I figured out how to make a collage which includes excerpts from each of the 30 paintings.

 The challenge pushed me to do more painting, especially since I was traveling for half of the month and had to "double up" on some other days. So I had to get up earlier, work in the evenings when I might normally not have, say no to other things, work on smaller size canvases,  figure out how to post from Italy etc...but I saw that it was do-able if I was committed.   Since I'd been traveling and dealing with some family issues over the summer I hadn't had as much time to get in the studio as I usually do, so it was a good way to get re-immersed. Also I hadn't been home long enough to go thru my photo's from the France and California trips earlier this spring, so I was able to at least tap into some of those photo's for inspiration and plan to spend some time this weekend going thru them all to see what else I'd like to paint based on those images.

After the challenge ended I took a couple of days off from painting, but yesterday got back in the studio seeing how I might translate one of the small 8 x 8 studies into a 20 x 20 canvas. Will keep you posted and share when it's done. Thanks for following along and cheering me on during the challenge. And thanks to all the other artists who stretched beyond their comfort zones to take this on. Hope you learned lots!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Home Portrait Commissions

Miller Home
Watercolor Painting
For the past several years, I have had the honor of being the artist for the Dunwoody Home Tour in Dunwoody, GA. Yesterday I attended the 41st annual Home Tour.

Each year, five generous members of the community graciously allow their homes to be on a public tour to inspire others on the possibilities for designing and decorating their homes.  Proceeds from the tour go to support the Dunwoody Women's Club, a service organization of local volunteers who contribute to the community in the areas of conservation, education, home life, international outreach, public issues and the arts.

The Women's Club commissions paintings of each of the homes which they then give as thank you gifts to the participating homeowners. I've included photo's of all the finished home portraits which I did in watercolor as well as a couple of photo's of me taken with the paintings on display at yesterdays' show.

It has been a fun project each year working with the wonderful leaders of the Dunwoody Women's' Club and the homeowners to create a special remembrance of their home and participation in this community event.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

New Book: Bella Italia, Italy Through the Eyes of an Artist, Now Available

Bella Italia, Italy Through the Eye of an Artist
by Pat Fiorello
Hardcover book, 120 pages
$35 + $5 shipping

I'm very excited to announce that my new book is now printed and ready to ship.

If you've been following my blog for awhile, you know that I have been teaching painting workshops in Italy for many years. Being of Italian descent from all 4 grandparents, I have a special affection for Italy and love to share it's beauty with others. I just got back from teaching a great group of student in Lake Garda in Northern Italy last week.  Our mantra for the workshop was "Relaxing into Beauty and Joy" and that was our experience while there.

Through this book, I hope to share the beauty and magic of Bella Italia further by taking readers on a visual tour of Italy. The book includes narrative on why Italy is such a feast for the eyes and includes over 80 of my oil and watercolor paintings of Italy done over the years.

I hope to bring back fond memories of Italy for those who have traveled there and perhaps inspire those who have not yet gone to include in their dreams for future travel.

If you'd like a copy  of the book for yourself or for someone who is a lover of Italy, click below:    

Let me know if you would like it signed and inscribed for you (or to another name in the case of a gift) and it will be shipped and on it's way to you right away.

For those in Atlanta who would like to pick up a copy in person, I will be having a book signing and show of selected paintings from the book at Frameworks Gallery at 1205 Johnson Ferry Road in East Cobb, GA on Saturday October 19 from 2-5PM.

Thanks to the many people who played a part in helping me fulfill on one of my dreams by making this idea for this book a reality.