Friday, September 26, 2014

Italy - A Painter's Paradise

Why do so many people dream of traveling to Italy? In fact, with over 47 million visitors in 2013 Italy was ranked one of the top 5 in world tourist rankings by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) as part of their World Tourism Barometer publication.

And this fascination with Italy is not new. From about 1660’s thru 1840, Italy was part of a traditional trip in Europe called the Grand Tour. It was an educational rite of passage for nobility and the wealthy to visit Italy to expand their horizons in terms of art, culture and the roots of Western civilization. And many artists, including John Singer Sargeant and others, dating back to Corot, have made Italy a destination for extended painting excursions.

Italy A Painter's Paradise
7 x 10 Watercolor
As a professional artist of Italian descent, I was curious about why Italy has been such a perennial draw for so many artists and beauty lovers. I have taken several workshops there as an art student and over the past 7 years have taught at least 10 painting workshops where I have brought Americans to Italy to learn to paint while having a wonderfully enriching experience immersed in 
the enjoyment of Italian art, food and culture. Beyond being the inspirational birthplace of the Renaissance, there’s something about the beauty of the landscape that is compelling and enduring when it comes to art.

In preparing to teach my first workshop in Tuscany, I pondered the question of why Italy has had such an attraction for artists for centuries through the perspective of art. I observed that Italy naturally possesses many of the aspects of well-designed art. Its beauty is inescapable. From the enchanting and elegant lakes in the north to the lush agrarian beauty of Tuscany, to the breathtaking Cliffside towns on the Amalfi Coast, beauty is all around.

There are many contrasts in textures and natural color harmonies as the old stone buildings came from the earth so they perfectly complement the landscape that surrounds them. There are powerful diagonals in the landscape, for example in Tuscany with the rolling hills and vineyards that create a dynamic composition so they eyes to enjoy. And there is the story telling power of centuries old buildings that have character. One can only imagine what life was like in those towns 100, 500 or 1000 years ago.  So viewed through the eyes of an artist, it is easy to see why Italy holds such a unique appeal.

I go further to explore and share the beauty and magic of Italy in my book, “Bella Italia, Italy Through the Eyes of an Artist”. It’s a visual tour of Italy through over 80 of my paintings. For more information, please see: The book is meant to celebrate the beauty of Italy. If you have been there, it is sure to bring back warm memories. And if you haven’t visited yet it will surely have you be dreaming of Italy! And just maybe booking that next trip!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Joy of Geraniums

A "paint along" demo for my students in Tuscany showing techniques for painting flowers and suggesting texture in watercolor.

The Joy of Geraniums
9 x 12 watercolor
By Pat Fiorello

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Remembering Florence

Remembering Florence
21 x 15 Watercolor by Pat Fiorello
 This is the second of the pair of paintings recently commissioned by a client.

She originally had taken an horizontal picture of this favorite resort she stayed at in Florence, Italy. I could tell by the way she talked about this place that she really had such warm memories of being there. So with a little cropping I was able to translate it into the vertical format she needed to fit on her wall space and be consistent with the other painting.

Again, took some artistic license to move a few things around, make it a sunnier day, simplify and emphasize some colors that were in the other painting so the palettes would harmonize. Also brought more variety to the greens. cooler in the distance, warmer up close so there wasn't so much of the same green as in the photos.

If you'd like memories of one of your favorite places turned into a painting you can enjoy each day or for a special gift, please contact me for a complimentary design session- either in person or via phone.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Three's Company

Three's Company
8 x 10 Oil Painting
by Pat Fiorello

Roses from my garden. A new addition to the garden this year, a small David Austin rose bush.

I invite you to visit DailyPaint Works to see more of my paintings.
Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Remembering Como

Remembering Como
21 x 15 Watercolor by Pat Fiorello

This is one of a pair of paintings I just completed for a commission client. The paintings will hang on either side or a mirror in a grouping of artwork. Initially the client was looking of two of my existing Italy paintings, but when we met, I suggested that we create new paintings of her own special memories from her travels to Italy and then we could make them the perfect size for what she needed. Typically when working from a client's own photo's there is a need for some artistic license ( like removing the big white building in the bottom of the photo, adding some color variety etc.. ) while still keeping the essence of the place they fondly recall.

Sunday, September 14, 2014


6 x 8 Oil Painting by Pat Fiorello

Been busy the past 2 weeks working on several commissions, so just wanted to do something small for fun today.

Will be leaving for Tuscany on Weds. so keep posted. Assuming Wifi access, I hope to be sharing photo's from the workshop daily on  If you haven't already, please "like' the page for a virtual tour of inspiration from Italy.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Poppies Gone Wild 2

Poppies Gone Wild 2
7 x 10 Watercolor by Pat Fiorello

This is a second version of the same scene I did the other day done with a slightly different approach. Bottom line, I don't think there really was much of a difference in the final painting based on how I started it, but in the meantime, this experimentation had me become more familiar with the composition and challenges and better prepared for the oil painting version which I will share when completed.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Geraniums in the Sun

Geraniums in the Sun
20 x 16 Oil Painting by Pat Fiorello
Heading to Italy a week from today to teach a painting workshop in Tuscany.
This painting was inspired by a scene I saw there last time I was there- a large pot of geraniums in the sun. Did a small study of it last week and decided to scale it up larger. Looking forward to returning to sunny Italy for more fun times and inspiration!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

California Coast

California Coast
9 x 12 Oil Painting by Pat Fiorello


Not my usual subject matter (notice a rare painting with no green, flowers etc..)  but a scene I liked  from a trip last year to the Monterey/Carmel/Big Sur area of California. I shared it as part of my "365 Days of Beauty" on Facebook and people really responded to the image, so I thought I'd give it a try in an oil painting.

If you'd like to follow "365 Days of Beauty" where I post beautiful images- either my paintings or my photo's to offer viewers a daily dose of beauty, simply go to and click "Like". Thanks!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Hydrangea Study

Hydrangea Study
9 x 12 Oil Painting by Pat Fiorello
A quick study done the other day to share my process for painting with a student who was taking a private painting lesson. For oil painting, I use several approaches, but for the most part, especially for flowers, I start with a transparent underpainting to block n the overall composition and shapes then build form and details in a second stage bringing in opaque paints.

I have several short videos on youtube which show the process of how a painting unfolds.  You can see what's available by clicking here.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Poppies Gone Wild 1

Poppies Gone Wild 1
7 x 10 Watercolor by Pat Fiorello

Did a watercolor study in preparation for a larger oil painting. Started with more of a wet into wet underpainting - a bit differnt approach that I normally would have taken, but experimenting to compare. Will share version 2 done on dry paper soon.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Geranium Study

Geranium Study
8 x 10 Oil Painting by Pat Fiorello

A scene from sunny Italy. Pot ( probably an old wine jug) filled with geraniums in the sun.  Did a study here for a larger painting still to come. 

Recently was interviewed about the development of my book,"Bella Italia, Italy Through the Eyes of An Artist" by Michelle Hutchinson of Wordhelper. Click here for the full interview.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Streets of Italy

Streets of Italy
12 x 12 Oil Painting
by Pat Fiorello

Don't recall which town I saw this in, but loved the abundant foliage lining this street.

If you dream of going to ( or back to)  Italy, you may enjoy this post on " The Dream of Italy" which I was recently a guest contributor to.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Wedgwood and Whites

Wedgwood and White
16 x 20 Oil Painting by Pat Fiorello

Visited the local consignment shop "Now & Again" during their sale last week and stumbled upon this blue Wedgwood piece. Immediately thought it might be a great focal point for a painting and imagined with surrounded by white hydrangeas. So I added a new piece to my "prop" collection for still life. Set it up with some flowers and painted what I had imagined in the store.

This painting still wet on the easel has already been sold to a student who saw it while here for a painting lesson. Glad it is going to a happy home.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

A Rose By Any Other Name...

A Rose by Any Other Name...
6 x 6 Oil Painting
by Pat Fiorello
Simple study of a rose in sunlight.

A picture is worth a thousand words....

I Do
16 x 16 Oil Painting by Pat Fiorello

Many thanks for Patty Hankins of for featuring me and my bridal bouquet paintings on her blog today in a story called "A picture is worth a thousand words" .

To read the full story see:

Monday, September 1, 2014

To Australia, with Love

Joy, Australian Style
12 x 12 Oil Painting

This was a very special commission and a fun one to work on.

 A lovely woman contacted me from Australia. She had found me on-line and wanted me to create a painting inspired by the bridal bouquet from her son and daughter-in-law's recent wedding.  The painting was completed last month and has safely arrived in Australia . Mom is planning to invite the newlyweds over for dinner and then surprise them with their first oil painting for their new home. I wish I could be a fly on the wall when they open the box.

 It's a pleasure being able to create art that creates a memorable experience and is a gift expressing the love, thoughtfulness and caring between people. Below is a photo of the bouquet which inspired this painting. Hope the couple enjoy this meaningful piece of art in their home for many years to come!

If you would like a bridal bouquet painting for yourself or as a special and unique gift,  please contact me.

 More examples can be found on my website. Click here for more information.