Sunday, May 31, 2015

Roses & Ivy

Roses & Ivy
8 x 10 Oil Painting
by Pat Fiorello
Just delivered this commission painting today. A woman requested a painting to commemorate the special symbols of her sorority- salmon colored roses, ivy and apple green color. I created this for her as a reminder of her special ties to this group. Her mom had also been a member of the same sorority for 75 years. Always love to create something meaningful for someone.  As the title of my blog suggests, there are so many ways that "Art Elevates Life".

Friday, May 29, 2015


12 x 16 Oil Painting by Pat Fiorello

Approached this scene with a different method than I usually do for flowers. Typically I block in the shapes with transparent colors, then build opaques on top to refine. A method I learned from Hedi Moran, Ovanes Berbarian ( he had a slightly different take on it) and reinforced by several other artists I've studied with over the years. I like the luminosity it provides. Feels natural, probably my earlier training in watercolor is creeping in. 

On this one thought, I used an alternative approach that I saw Ovanes demonstrate. he had toned the canvas in black and thalo blue ( I know, hard to imagine), then drew, and starting building the shadow shapes, leaving the light for last.

Below is a glimpse at the process unfolding that led to the finished  "Suncatchers" painting shown above.

As much as I may be "attached" to the way I usually like to start things, this alternate approach made sense too and I was happy with the end result.

Just a good reminder that there are many ways to approach a painting. Not one right or best way. Each painting is it's own unfolding journey and there are many possible ways to get there. Good to have many paths available.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


8 x 10 Oil Painting
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A short demonstration from life at the Ocean County Arts Guild in NJ last week.