Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Roses are Red

Roses are Red
12 x 12 Oil Painting
by Pat Fiorello
My latest bridal bouquet painting commissioned by a young man to give his wife as a surprise for their 4th wedding anniversary.  More on this in my August newsletter which will be coming out on Friday. If you do not currently get my monthly newsletter, "Bringing Beauty to the World" and would like to do so, just enter your email in the newsletter box on the right side of this blog.

If you are interested in having a bouquet painted for your home or as a meaningful gift for someone special, contact me and we can set up a time to talk. Thank you!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Rue Claude Monet

Rue Claude Monet
9 x 12 Oil Painting
by Pat Fiorello

Another in my Giverny series.  This is a view I passed by each day on my way to the gardens. It's the main street in Giverny, "Rue Claude Monet".

I notice I am continually drawn to the same subjects over and over- flowers/lush foliage, sunlight, some architecture/stone as a bit of contrast.  I love a soft, romantic, dreamy state.

About 15 years ago I started a journal to help me uncover what really spoke to me as far as subject matter to paint- and these were the same things that I enjoyed painting most then. Over the years, I  have explored other subjects- figures, city scenes with lots of geometric architecture, even abstracts, but I always come back home to the subjects that fill my heart and lift my spirits. I hope you find these images uplifting too! ( For me that's what art is all about!)

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Sunny Day

Sunny Day
12 x 12 Oil Painting
by Pat Fiorello
One of my latest "Forever Bouquet Paintings" commissioned by a husband as a special gift for his wife for their anniversary.  He sent me photos of her bouquet from the wedding , a few years back and also wanted the turquoise color which was part of the wedding theme included. Their anniversary was this past weekend and he wrote back to say how surprised and happy she was with the painting of her wedding bouquet.

If you'd like to have your bouquet painted or commission one for a special and meaningful wedding or anniversary gift, please contact me thru my website You can also see more of my bouquet paintings at:
Gift certificates are available too.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Cascading Roses

Cascading Roses

 9 x 12 Oil Painting
by Pat Fiorello

Took a break from my Giverny series last week to work on some commissions which are due soon, but was able to get back to the series this week with this oil painting, "Cascading Roses". I cropped this from a broader view of this rose bush. Really liked the cascading movement of the roses and also how the shapes, colors and sizes of the flowers are varied all within one small section of the bush. Great example of repetition with variation, one of the fundamental design principles.

I think this was my original reference photo which I cropped in on for a better design. Naturally beautiful!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Rose Arbor II

Rose Arbor II
9 x 12 Oil Painting
by Pat Fiorello
Buy with PayPal
This is the 3rd in a series of paintings of this scene. Each time I paint it I get to know it better and focus on different aspects or try some different painting techniques. You learn a lesson from each painting, so I often will revisit a subject to get to know it better or experiment with different ways to approach it.

Rather than keep working on one painting refining it over and over and potentially working it to death, I'd rather capture a scene or idea in an alla prima fashion, and leave it fresh, declare it complete and then start another version from scratch to learn from that one too.  No two will every be exactly alike so I relate to it as if each painting has a life of its own.

Here is another version done in completely different way ( started with dark toned canvas and pulled out the lights) as well as small study done with my more typical approach of transparent underpainting, then opaques on top.

Rose Arbor I
12 x 16

I have fond memories of this scene so will probably revisit it again in the future, but for now moving on to some new inspiration and challenges.

Do you have a favorite of the 3?
Arbor Study( SOLD)
6 x 8

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Climbing Higher

Climbing Higher
16 x 20 Oil Painting by Pat Fiorello
Now that I'm back from my trip to Giverny, France, I have sorted thru all my photo's for inspiration and narrowed it down to 20 of my favorites that I will use to begin a series of "Impressions of Giverny". Rose Arbor recently posted was the first in the series and today's post was completed this week. It wasn't an extremely sunny day when I took this photo, so a little different lighting than I usually paint which was challenging. I loved the soft roses climbing this fence with the contrast of the stone wall and house in the background.