Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Abundant Austins

Abundant Austins
18 x 18 Oil Painting by Pat Fiorello

I have painted these David Austin roses before from photographs taken in gardens, but I don't think I've ever had the real flowers to paint them from life. So I treated myself by ordering a dozen at our local flower wholesaler in Atlanta. They came in yesterday and I thought I'd have a few days, but they opened up pretty fast, so I got up and was at work in my studio by 7AM today to catch these beauties at their peak.

Below is the still life set up I arranged, a close up of the center of interest, some of the steps in the process as well as some of the paint on my palette- mixing warmer, cooler etc..


Sunday, September 27, 2015

Tea Time - Super Sunday Auction

Tea Time
8 x 10 Oil Painting by Pat Fiorello


Revisited a painting I'd begun awhile ago and put on some finishing touches.
Just for fun, I decided to declare this "Super Sunday" so offering this painting at auction starting at a super price $1. Click above to get in on the bidding.  If you've ever wanted to own one of my paintings, this could be your lucky day.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Yellow and Blue

Yellow and Blue
12 x 16 Oil Painting
by Pat Fiorello

 Bought some fresh flowers to paint a still life this week. While arranging them,  I had the flowers on my placemat( from Limone on Lake Garda, Italy)  which gave me the idea of the lemons so decided to go for this yellow and blue theme. The small cup was something hand made in Tuscany from one of my past trips.  It has a lemon on it too. And the background was a beautiful napkin I bought while in France. Had to simplify the design a great deal to avoid competing with the flowers, but liked the color combinations. It's fun to use props that I have gathered from my travels and bring back good memories.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Flower Study 1

Flower Study 1
6 x 6 Oil Painting
by Pat Fiorello

Click to Bid

Back to basics today. Just taking time to do studies of individual flowers. Here's how this one got started and developed.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Naples Bouquet

Naples Bouquet
16 x 16 Oil Painting by Pat Fiorello

Created 2 versions of this stunning bouquet created by Michael Longo of Naples Floral Design. One option had a very dark green background and the other more of a mid value, warmer terra cotta colored background. One is also larger than the other. I like them both. I think I'm leaning towards the darker background. What do you think?

For more beautiful floral arrangements by Naples Floral Design visit
Naples Bouquet
 12 x 12 Oil Painting by Pat Fiorello

Thursday, September 17, 2015

White in Red

White in Red
8 x 10 Oil Painting
by Pat Fiorello

Click to Bid

I recently reorganized my studio and took all the still life props I typically use which were piled on a window sill and moved them on to a new  shelving unit so I can have better access and not feel so cluttered.  It meant rearranging the studio and losing a comfortable chair that I liked having in there, ( I have resisted moving it out for the past 15 years) but it was well worth the sacrifice to feel more of a sense of order and spaciousness.  The chair is happily getting more use already in another room than it ever got in my studio where it was usually covered up with canvases and photo's- basically used as a table. Also I can now use the window box as another option for still life set ups lit by natural light instead of having to rely solely on my lamp and shadow box.

In the meantime, while organizing I realized most of my props are in the cool color family. I can't resist the blue and white patterned china. So I began the hunt for a nice red vase. Went to Pier 1 but didn't see anything in the color I had in mind. I almost never go into Marshall's but it was right next store, so glad I did. I found this nice red pitcher on sale $5.99 Perfect.

So that was the inspiration for this painting, "White in Red", painted by the natural light on the window box.



Monday, September 14, 2015

Cascading Roses, Watercolor

Cascading Roses, Watercolor
9 x 12 Watercolor
by Pat Fiorello


I have painted these roses before in oil but decided to try them in watercolor today.

My approach was to paint the overall shape of the cluster of  flowers wet into wet to keep them light and soft. Once they dried, I wet the background and painted that wet into wet also, but rather than pushing paint into water on the paper, I wet the background with a juicy wash of quinacridone gold, then pushed other greens into that while wet so it would stay dark and soft. Then I came back and worked further on the form of the flowers to give them some depth and also softened some edges so they would integrate into the background.

Then the most important part- STOP!  Don't overdo it. Nothing is beautiful as the fresh washes so I have to stop myself before slipping into that literal mind and trying to add more specific detail.

Here's the original reference photo I took in France and the oil painting version I did a few weeks ago.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Wisteria Bridge, Watercolor

Wisteria Bridge, Watercolor
9 x 12 Watercolor
by Pat Fiorello


Took a little bit of a break from the oils today and did a watercolor version of the bridge painting I did in oils last week.

Saturday, September 12, 2015


8 x 16 Oil Painting by Pat Fiorello


After working this week on paintings for my upcoming show and commissions, I decided to put all aside Friday morning and just painting something fun for me that I thought would learn something from.

I had take this photo a few weeks back when I had these fresh flowers( you may recall them from my earlier painting "Caraluna").  I decided not to focus on color and did most of the painting solely from the black and white photo so I'd be free to make color choices and decide how much detail later on.

Felt like a good approach to keep things simple and fresh and not get hijacked into the literal thinking the photo often seems to impose.
A book I've really enjoyed  over the years and often share with my students is "Painting with your Artist's Brain" by Carl Purcell. He does a great job of distinguishing between our intellect- the literal brain and our artists brain which is about seeing shapes.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Two Hearts Together

Two Hearts Together
12 x 16 Oil Painting by Pat Fiorello
Sold( commission)

This was a very special commission created as an surprise anniversary gift for a couple in the New York area. My client sent me the photo below from the wedding. There were 2 bouquets and one also small medallions of significance which needed to be included.

 I actually like the connection of the 2 bouquets in the reference photo. To me   (yes, a hopeless romantic)  it conjured up the idea of 2 hearts and 2 families coming together united in love. I cropped further in and shared that design with the client. Simplified and lightened the background so that flowers would stand out as vibrant and rich. The medallions were suggested with shapes and colors, but not literal reproductions of the photos
reference photo supplied by the client

cropping in a little closer to maximize the flowers

This was what my client had to say when I sent a photo of the almost finished painting for input/approval:

"Good Morning Pat
I love the painting!!  I think it looks amazing and it instantly made me cry.... I think she will love it!!"

And it's always nice to hear how it was received.

"She loved it!!!!! Thank you :):)"

Art not only has the power to spread beauty, but joy and love too!

For more on my bridal bouquet paintings click here or contact me for a free design session.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Clos Normand Joy

Clos Normand Joy
8 x 10 Oil Painting
by Pat Fiorello

Click to Bid

Back working on my series from Monet's Garden in preparation for the upcoming show in Giverny France. This is the sensation I have walking down the pathways on the Clos Normand side of the garden (the other side is considered the Water Garden).  It is sheer joy and sensory overload. I've heard Monet's Garden referred to as a "riot of color"  distinct from the the formal, ordered English gardens popular elsewhere in Europe. If you have ever been there you may remember your first response stepping into the garden and seeing flashes of color and light.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Monet's Garden

Monet's Garden
8 x 8 Oil Painting
by Pat Fiorello


A moment from my recent trip to Giverny, France. Looking thru the garden to Monet's house in the distance.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Wisteria Bridge, Monet's Garden

Wisteria Bridge
8 x 10 Oil Painting
by Pat Fiorello

Revisiting some favorite images from Monet's Garden for my upcoming show in France next month.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Orange, Yellow, Blue

Orange, Yellow, Blue
12 x 12 Oil Painting
by Pat Fiorello


Bought some zinnias and ranunculus a few weeks back. I was looking for yellow and orange flowers to contrast with the blue in one of my favorite vases (you have probably seen it appear in previous paintings and I'm sure it will show up in more to come).  I had started this painting back then, but then had to put it aside for several commissions on tight deadlines, so thought today might be the day to revisit it. The background is not quite as vibrant as it appears on screen- a bit more of a pale yellow ochre.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

A Moment

A Moment
9 x 12 Oil Painting
by Pat Fiorello

The inspiration for this paintings was a brief moment when this vase of hydrangeas was clipped by sunlight.

During the month of September, while I am participating in the "30 in 30" challenge, I will be offering a number of smaller works on auction at DPW at substantially reduced starting bids. So if you have secretly wanted to own one of my paintings or find something that you fall in love with and makes you smile, now's a great time to make a bid.  Just click on the box under the painting to bid.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Pink Whispers Revisited

Pink Whispers Revisited
8 x 10 Oil Painting
By Pat Fiorello


I had done this painting awhile back and saw opportunities to further enhance it's vibrancy and luminosity, so I painted over the base that was there and exaggerated the light even more to add more life and drama.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

White Blossoms

White Blossoms
 8 x 10 Oil Painting
by Pat Fiorello


Today is September 1.  I decided to join in the September "30 in 30" challenge inspired by Artists Helping Artists to get back to a consistent rhythm of painting after a summer filled with lots of travel, commission projects, reorganizing my studio and other breaks to my more typical daily/weekly schedule. The challenge is not meant to be a rigid constraint of having to produce 30 paintings in a month, but more of a supportive encouragement to be painting in the studio each day. So don't know what the outcome will be, but willing to take on committing to some painting time each day for the next 30 days and see where that leads.

For this painting, there were no actual white blossoms, or even a photo but this was loosely inspired by my last painting of the garden roses, just chose to paint them white instead of the peachy color they actually were. Also after working on a much larger canvas, decided to go smaller and a much closer in view with just a suggestion of the vase.