Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Make an Art Date

In the book, the Artist's Way, Julia Cameron suggests making an art date with yourself each week to do something art related to break out of a slump or artistic block. I think it's a great idea even when you're not blocked.

Making a "date" with someone else may have you more likely to show up to paint if you are the type that continually puts other things ahead of painting time. We sometimes are more likely to keep our commitments to others than to ourselves. Studies have shown people who commit to exercise with a buddy end up being more consistent and getting better results than those going it alone. I would venture to say that it applies to other areas as well . Painting with a friend also interrupts the solitariness of being in your studio day after day alone. Most of all it's fun and an opportunity to learn from one another.

 Today I painted with a good friend of mine, fellow artist Valee Penn. We spent about 3 hours painting the beautiful flowers above.  It was a great afternoon . I'll post the finished painting as soon as it's completed.

Today it's back in my home studio to work on a commission project. Have a great and creative day!

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