Thursday, May 19, 2011

Hydrangea Painting-Take 2

Photo of hydrangeas

Today I decided to paint the same hydrangeas as yesterday, but with a totally different approach. Yesterday I approached it using the method I learned from Hedi Moran while at the Scottsdale Artists School earlier this year. That approach starts with transparent colors only then builds with opaques in the 2nd stage. Today I tried a more classical approach . Here are a couple of preliminary stages and then the paintings in it's close to final form (still need to touch up a few areas, but this is as far as I got today).

This is the result of today's approach compare to yesterday's below.

Both approaches were fun and the results were not as different as I had expected. The classical approach feels a bit more formal and tight,  than Hedi's approach which feels a lot freer to me, but knowing that I could make some adjustments next time if I want. I guess the good news is that you can get to the same end with a variety of means. Maybe WHAT you want to paint is more important than HOW you get there. A lesson for painting- and a lesson I have come across in other areas of life. Sometimes we let the "how" get in the way ( or even stop us... in the case of "I don't know how") . If you know what you want and why it's important, many hows can get you there.

What do you think? Have you had that experience in art or other places in life?

1 comment:

  1. I think they are both beautiful, Pat. I agree that the first one looks a little looser and freer. The second,more traditional approach has some depth that is lovely. I think you can be successful with either approach... just depends on what you want???
