Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Painting on location- Getting Started

Rose Garden
Oil Painting by Pat Fiorello
6 x 8
Painted on location at Smith- Gilbert Garden, GA

This past month with the weather improving, I've had great opportunities to paint outdoors at Callaway Gardens,  in Charleston  S.C. and at Smith Gilbert Gardens in GA. And I'm preparing to teach a plein air workshop in Tuscany later this month. So I'm fully in plein air mode.

After a long winter painting indoors, you forget  both the joy and challenges of painting outdoors.  Its great to be inspired by the beauty of nature and new subject matter, be out in fresh air and sunshine and challenge your observational skills painting from life. On the other hand , you have challenges of moving sunlight, simplifying the abundance of info that nature presents you into a cohesive painting , managing your painting supplies and equipment without the convenience of your studio and dealing with the elements, weather, bugs and and passersby ( making helpful and sometimes not so helpful comments).

 Many of my students have never painted outdoors so today I decided to create a new one day introduction to plein air painting workshop to help people get started and make it a bit easier by learning some tips from someone who's already been down the road. Once the location and date are secured, I'll share that in case it's of interest to you or any of your artist friends.

 If you haven't been out yet this season, you might want to plan a painting date with a friend to take advantage of the spring trees and flowers.
 Happy Painting!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! I love the softness of these roses... soft edges and soft colors!
