Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Plein Air Workshop


Yesterday I taught a plein air workshop at the Smith Gilbert Gardens in Georgia. It got pretty hot, up into the 90's by the afternoon, but we were able to find some shade and had a fun day painting in this beautiful  spot.

I did a brief demo in watercolor of this area of sunlit lilies.

Started out capturing the yellow lilies and establishing the light areas

                                          Continued building in the darker foliage behind.

Here is another beautiful view of the garden with lots of contrasting yellow and purples ( and one of our artists Barbara on the right).
Everyone had a fun day and I am planning another for the fall ( September 19) when things cool off a bit.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the day Pat. i learned a lot and was reminded of more. The setting was beautiful and full of future paintings. I called the next day to see what their policies were for painters and I may go back and try again. count me in for Sept 19. Also i plein air mag there was an article on doing studio paintings from the p.a. Just doing p.a. and not developing them in the studio (larger) is just half the job. So I think I will try to develop the one I did into an oil. thanks again. always inspiring.
