Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Making a Living Making Art

Tuscan Hills
 Oil Painting by Pat Fiorello

This is a painting from my travels to Tuscany which I recently sold at a one person show of my Italian paintings series.   As artists, we often wear two hats, creating our work , which is often a solitary activity and then marketing our work, where we need to be looking outward and connecting with others. Often the skills and comfort with these 2 very different activities are not aligned and that can pose challenges for artists seeking to make a living thru their art.

 Today I led a workshop on Developing Your Marketing Strategy for artists who are part of an arts incubator project in the town of Stone Mountain, just outside Atlanta,Georgia. The town is committed to growing it's presence as an artistic center and the incubator project is part of nurturing the development of artists in the community. These artists had the benefit of an live workshop to help them develop their business skills for success, but not every artist has that kind of access, so I thought I'd share a link to a blog hosted by Artists Career Training which offers many resources to artists to help them achieve their goals.ACT's mission is to help artists make a better living making art and they have been doing a great job of that for many years. 
 I have taught teleclasses for ACT in the past  on topics like "Becoming a Self Supporting Artist" and "The Ins and Outs of Juried Shows". Some have been turned into recordings or ebooks which are downloadable. To learn more about what ACT has to offer,
click here.

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