Saturday, August 20, 2011

Flower Study #15 & 16

 If you have been following my blog, you know hat I am currently working on a series of 50 floral studies between now and the end of Sept. so every day or so, I am doing a small study to practice floral shapes, colors etc..  Some are hits and some are misses- but there is something to learn from each study. Here's the next in the series of floral studies- working on a  single pink rose. It turned out okay but not necessarily my favorite or best effort. So I looked to see what might be missing to improve on the next one.
Flower Study 15
Pink Rose 6 x 8 Oil Painting

Many artists learn by studying the masters.  The masters are often considered artists of centuries ago, but there are modern masters among us today. So I looked to see who had done some amazing roses and found an artist I really liked - Qiang Huang. I  copied  one of his works for  study #16 just as an exercise for my own personal learning ( not to sell since he has the copyright on this image) . By doing this I coud see several things that made the difference- more dramatic lighting ( dark vs light areas), bolder, more confident brushstrokes and bigger specific shapes. Some good lessons to take into the next round of studies.
Flower Study #16
6 x 8 Oil Painting


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