Monday, November 28, 2011

Tuscany- Beyond the Poppies

Beyond the Poppies
6 x 8
Oil Painting
by Pat Fiorello

I've been focused on primarily florals and still life's lately while doing my challenge of 50 floral 
paintings, but do want to get back into some landscapes as well for a new series I'll be working on in 2012 called "Enchanted Italy".  I decided to get back in the landscape mode by doing a little "mini" study of a painting I had done in larger from earlier this year. This one was based on some photo's I put together from a trip to Tuscany where we visited the poppy fields. I liked the idea of looking beyond the fields to the villa in the distance. The villa wasn't exactly placed in the right spot, so using artistic license, I moved it to where I wanted it in the composition.

If you have always wanted to paint in Tuscany, please contact me at I'll be returning for my 5th year to teach another workshop in 2012. Click here for details.


  1. Pat, this is a lovely painting. Your oil paintings are really evolving. Do you miss the watercolors?

  2. Thanks. I appreciate your feedback. I am still doing watercolor but spending more time on the oils lately. I don't really miss it because I'm still having the experience of painting, coming up with ideas, deciding on compositions,selecting colors etc.. the one thing I do miss is the way colors can mix on the peper in watercolor, but I do like the drama and richness I can get with the oils. They both have their good points and challenges
