Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pears, Pears and More Pears with Laura Robb

Attended a 3 day oil painting workshop with Laura Robb in Santa Fe last week. 

 I first saw Laura's work in a gallery in Scottsdale last year and immediately loved it. I tracked her down and have been on a waiting list to get into one of her workshops. She only teaches a few time a year, so I felt lucky to have the opportunity to study with her.

Rather than doing complete paintings, we focused on doing lots of studies, primarily of pears to practice seeing and painting simple forms. Kind of like practicing scales on the piano.  Here are 3 of my pear studies and also a photo of Laura demonstrating. 

She is a generous instructor who communicates clearly, a great artist and nice, positive person so when you get all 3 of those characteristics in a workshop instructor it's always a good experience. 
 I would highly recommend studying with her if you are interested in her style of work.

We did "graduate" to some more complex arrangements on the last day and I'll share them in upcoming posts.

Pear Studies 1, 2 & 3
9 x 12
Oil Paintings by Pat Fiorello

Laura Robb demonstrating on day 1 of the workshop


  1. Love pears and just really liked seeing all three paintings. Pears are good to make you focus on form. My favorite is the top one! I will have to follow and learn more about Laura Robb now too! Sounds like a great workshop!!

  2. Hey Pat! These look great,with good form. Pears are one of the fruits I actually enjoy painting. Almost remind me of people!!
