Friday, September 21, 2012

What will you be doing 1 year from today?

I'm a firm believer that we need to create things to look forward to in life.  I find that even though it my be a plan for something in the future, it often generates enthusiasm and energy in the here and now. ( If you're as old as I am you might remember Heinz ketchup tapped into that feeling with it's  "Anticipation"  advertising campaign).

So I have an invitation for you.

 Imagine one year from today, you are on the shores of beautiful Lake Garda in northern Italy, painting the enchanting landscape,  enjoying some amazing Italian food in the company of a small group of other fun loving artists.

Well you can be there!

I'm excited to announce that my next  International  painting workshop starts exactly one year from today. It runs from September 21-28, 2013 and we'll be going to Northern Italy. We'll spend a night in Milan then the rest of the week in Lake Garda with field trips to Verona and several other nearby towns. So you have time to clear your calendar, get your passport,  plan, pack, save up  and do whatever you need to to make it happen and have an amazing experience to look forward to and enjoy.

Whether you're an experienced painter, or are just finally ready to learn to paint, this will be a week of growth, fun and beauty- a creative and cultural immersion in a very special place.

View from the dock in Gargnano- a small town in walking distance of where we stay.
A past student, Mary Jo, spending an afternoon painting the town

The lake provides a warm climate for lots of lush and even tropical foliage

Near the dock where we take boats to neighboring villages

The front of San Tomaso, our home for the week.  Up on the hill with a majestic view of the lake.

For more information see Lake Garda details.

The price of $2,295  which includes lodging in Milan and Lake Garda, all breakfasts and dinners, local transportation within Italy, and the workshop  is valid through 12/31/12 and space is limited so register now. A deposit of $500 is all that's needed to reserve your spot. If you are ready to register you can simply go to:  I'm on my way to Italy!

If you need a little more enticing, listen here to my friend Shelly Steele of MosaicVoice who joined me on the last trip there.

Please contact me to be on the "interested" list  or  if you have any questions. or (404)531-4160.

Thank you. I hope you will join me on this exciting artistic adventure!

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