Sunday, October 7, 2012

Catching the Light

Catching the Light
8 x 10 Oil Painting
by Pat Fiorello

Here's a piece I worked on this week, with an emphasis on capturing the light streaming in from a nearby window and also keeping brushstrokes a little looser.

Here's the photo inspiration which I altered a bit.


  1. Pat, I think you achieved what you were after in this one. Bravo!

  2. Hi Pat - I was reading your post on Dreama's blog this morning. I love it when I read about how it is for other's who paint. Getting up and being able to continue on with what you were doing. If you are like me, you dream about it anyway..that's where a lot of my problem solving occurs. I love this painting! Those flowers are great in the photo, but even greater in your beautiful painting!

    1. Thanks for your comment and feedback. I sometimes do wake up with a solution on what I had been working on the night before . That was what happened yesterday, realizing I needed to add some temperature changes to separate things a bit more on a piece where values were pretty close.
