Monday, January 14, 2013

Villa Barberino Welcome

Villa Barberino Welcome
12 x 16 Oil Painting
by Pat Fiorello
This is a Villa that I stayed at during one of my first trips to Tuscany back in 2001. I had done this scene in watercolor while painting there on location and decided to give it a try in oils. It's fun to revisit and old subject and try it in a new way or in this case with a new medium.

This week my regular  painting classes resume, but this past weekend I taught my first workshop of the year.  About 15 years ago I developed and started teaching the "Art for Non-Artists" workshop. I designed it specifically for total beginners.  I meet many adults who would love to try their hand at art, but believe they are not artistic because of something that may have stopped them. Often we give up somewhere in elementary school then continue to believe we don't have what it takes. But truly everyone can learn to paint if they are given some direction and practice.  I especially like to teach beginners because it opens the door to a whole new world of art and seeing the beauty of the world for them. Something they didn't think was possible is now available to enrich their lives.

Below is a photo from the end of the one day workshop I taught on Saturday. A past student of mine, Robin,  came back again to share the workshop with her niece Susanne. A very special way to spend a day of fun and learning together!

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