Friday, January 4, 2013

Yellow Roses, Blue Door

Yellow Roses, Blue Door
9 x 12 Oil Painting
by Pat Fiorello

Happy New Year! This is my first painting of the new year. Have to admit I'm off to a slow start in 2013. Still getting over laryngitis that I've had since Christmas and not much in the mood to do anything. To get myself started again after the holiday break, I approached a subject I'd done before but wanted to try it with a different color scheme and palette.

Here's the original photo to see how I've taken the spirit of it, but altered the colors and even changed soem of the stonework on the door.

My art goals for 2013 include painting more landscapes including some larger formats ( bigger than 16 x 20),  continuing to develop my oil painting skills  (brushwork, developing mastery in capturing dramatic light and shadow) and publishing a book of my painting of Italy.   I'm also excited to be taking a workshop for my own learning in France in May and leading another workshop in beautiful Lake Garda in Northern Italy in September. A lot to look forward to. I'll be sharing my progress along the way.  I'm declaring 2013 a year of Celebration and Growth!

What are you creating for 2013?

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