Thursday, May 30, 2013

Rose Impressions

Rose Impressions
9 x 12 Oil Painting
by Pat Fiorello

I'm back from my studies in France with Ovanes Berberian. It was a once in a lifetime experience to be studying with such an amazing artist and with such a small group- just 3 other students and me. I took in so much information from what he shared, what I learned from my fellow classmates, Tania Pagliato, Bruce Bingham and Keene Wilson, and observing Ovanes' demonstrations.  Now the hard part, having the discipline to focus on digesting all that and integrating it into my own work where it feels right.
It can be very frustrating to think you understand something  but not yet have the ability to execute that understanding on the canvas. But it's part of the process and learning to paint is not a linear, neat or speedy process.

The point of learning from another artist is not to emulate him or her but to  see what approaches they use that may be new to you that might enhance or expand your own expression. Of course that is much easier said than done.
Sometimes it really feels like trial and error. My approach is to pick one or 2 things and focus on them  (for me, I'm starting with being more cognizant of mixing colors and changing color temperatures).

I've also picked up some other technical "habits" which I'm integrating such as how I lay out my palette, including a silver grey on my palette (white and mars black) and mixing linseed oil into my paints for more fluidity.

This paintings was my first plein air attempt since I've come back. I was at Loganberry Farms in North Georgia yesterday with a group of other artists. I was tempted to do a bigger landscape scene, but restrained myself to do a close up of smaller subject since I thought it would be a better opportunity to apply what I had learned and build on the other still life paintings I worked on during the workshop.

Here are some other photo's from Loganberry Farm.

More to come on my learnings.


  1. Your roses are gorgeous! I think Ovanes would be proud of you and all your temperature changes. What a beautiful place to paint too, just look at all that sunshine:))))) Big switch from French weather, eh?

  2. Thanks Bruce, It felt a little bit like flying without a net. Not sure where I was going, but I stopped when I felt I had gotten the essence of the flowers and didn't finish further to my usual level of refinement, Just keep concentrating on varying temperature, but it's so hard to resist going to the light too early because you want to see form. It was hot- mid 80's- a big change from France.

  3. Thank you for sharing about your wonderful workshop opportunity, giving those of us who weren't there a chance to learn, too. I enjoyed reading your thoughts about your approach to integrating what you learn from another artist. The painting is wonderful, and I am looking forward to following your work!
