Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Three's Company

Three's Company
6 x 8 Oil Painting
by Pat Fiorello
Well yesterday was my first day painting after a nearly 3 week hiatus from painting while on vacation with my husband in California. It was a wonderful trip, but by the end I was itching to get back to my studio. Especially since I had only had a few days since returning from the workshop studying with Ovanes Berberian  before I left again and I was anxious to start exploring and seeing how I might integrate what I learned into my paintings while it was still fresh in my mind.

I wanted to do a couple of "warm-ups" to get back into the groove
 (hopefully small successes before jumping right into a bigger painting).

I found a photo from a painting I'd done in a workshop on drawing for painters with Amanda Carter and she gave me permission to use it. I edited it down to just these 3 simple pieces of fruit. My intention for the painting was to focus on color changes, which was one of the things Ovanes stressed. Warm next to cool, cool next to warm.

Glad this one helped break the ice to get me back into the rhythm of painting after the longest break I've had in a very long time. Did another small one today and will share that later this week, Now ready to tackle something bigger.

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