Thursday, August 15, 2013

Bella Italia, Italy Through the Eyes of an Artist

New Book by Pat Fiorello
Available October 2013
$35 plus $5 shipping

You may have noticed my blog postings have been a little less regular than usual this summer.  Lots going on with family, travel, painting commissions etc.. so a bit out of my regular rhythm,  but also been busy writing and developing a new book  pictured above: "Bella Italia, Italy Through an Artists Eyes".

In the book I share what makes Italy beautiful from an artist's perspective and through over 80 of my oil and watercolor paintings of Italy inspired by my many trips there.

This hardcover, 120 page book  is $35 plus $5 shipping. It is currently being printed and will be available in October, however if you'd like to be one of the first to receive a signed copy from me, you can pre-order now with the "buy now" button above or on my website at: Order Book Here.

Hope you will join me on a visual tour of beautiful Italy with this book!

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