Pat Fiorello - Art Elevates Life

Art & Inspiration from professional artist and instructor Pat Fiorello. Pat is known for her romantic landscape, garden and floral paintings in oil and watercolor. Her paintings often depict beautiful places like Italy and France. Pat teaches painting workshops in the U.S., Caribbean and Europe. She is passionate about inspiring others to include art in their life. Whether creating it or simply appreciating and enjoying it, there are so many ways that art elevates life!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Quiet Moment

Quiet Moment
6 x 6 Oil Painting by Pat Fiorello
A small study of a memorable scene from a visit to Pienza Italy. Turned down a quiet street and to my delight saw this lovely plant illuminated by the sun in the midst of shadows. Light has the power to show beauty and make thing sparkle and glow. I  like the overall pattern of light and shadow so I plan to turn this study into a larger painting .

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