Thursday, June 12, 2014

Twenty Years of Painting!

Duomo, Florence
9 x 12 Oil Painting by Pat Fiorello

One of my painting collectors had seen my painting of this scene in Florence. It reminded her of her time in Florence on her honeymoon. The original painting had already been sold. She asked if I'd do another similar scene for her and I was happy to do so. I love to do commission paintings , especially when the scene is one that is personally meaningful to someone. The painting process and learning are personally enjoyable and  satisfying, but it is also satisfying to create something that you know will meaningful to someone else and will provide a bit of joy in their life.

I thought this was a fitting painting to share today since Florence is symbolic of the Renaissance. And it was 20 years ago this month that I had my own personal Renaissance and discovered painting. I was 34 at the time, working as a Marketing Director, hadn't painted since elementary school where my art teacher yelled at me for not cleaning up the paints and that was the end of my interest in art. I took my mom on a trip to Canyon Ranch for her 65th birthday (that's how I know it's been 20 years, she turns 85 in a few weeks). It was on that trip that I took a one hour watercolor class and then went out to paint the next day and by then I was hooked.

Of course since I hadn't painted since elementary school my artwork picked up where I left off and it looked like a child did it and it should be under a magnet on somebody's refrigerator.
 But the experience was fun and energizing and relaxing all at the same time. From there I signed up for an evening painting class after work one night a week, read books, took weekend workshops and then went on my first workshop in Provence (I had no idea what I was doing and just signed up, not realizing that most of the other people were "real" artists) . But that trip was a defining moment. I loved being totally immersed in painting and not much of anything else for a couple of weeks.  I made a vowed at the end of that trip 19 years ago that I would go on a painting trip every year- and I have- first as a student and more recently as an instructor.

So looking back, it's been an amazing 20 years of growth, fun and enriching experience. Through my journey with art, I feel very aligned with my life's purpose of creating a world of beauty, love and inspiration.  I thought I'd share some photo's of then and now. My first workshop in Provence and one of my "refrigerator art"  paintings (it was my idea of flowers) from that first day 20 years ago and then a more recent photo and one of my recent flower paintings to share how far I've come. And perhaps inspire you. If you want to paint, you can learn. You just need the passion to be persistent, get some good instruction and most of all lots and lots and lots of BRUSH MILEAGE!.

Thank you so much to all my instructors, students, fellow artists, husband Peter, family and friends who have encouraged and supported me in living an art-filled life!  I truly and grateful for your belief in me. I appreciate that  I could not have the beautiful life that I have without you in it!

Art has changed my life and I hope it has touched yours as well. Hence the name of this blog "Art Elevates Life" . Whether you create or appreciate other's creations, art really can enrich your experience of life.
In 1995  Provence, my 1st workshop
In 2013 in my studio

One of my recent floral oil paintings

Painting from my1st day 1994


  1. Happy 20th! That is amazing. Thank you for sharing your story. As always it is a pleasure to see the beauty you create.

    1. Thanks so much Tami. I appreciate your enthusiastic support and encouragement. So happy to see that you are doing well, happy and healthy and having fun!
