Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Richard Schmid Color Charts - revisited

Happy July!

 I wanted to share some blog posts from a previous July that may be of interest to you in case you missed them or may be a new blog follower since they were originally posted.

 Back in July of 2011, I took on completing the color charts suggested in Richard Schmid's original Alla Prima book. I documented all this in my blog to share with others. I started on July 1 with an overview, the next day when through suggested materials to get started and then shared all month long as I completed each chart along with lessons learned along the way. I ended the month with a summary of lessons learned as well as a short video. Here's video the link (for those of you who start a book at the end)

The blogposts may be helpful if you decide to take this assignment on for yourself. But of course, the real learning comes from doing it, not reading about it. So it you are ready to take your understanding of color to a deeper level, I encourage you to take on this challenge for yourself. You can read the blogposts for some guidance to get you inspired, but get your brushes wet!

 If I can be of assistance, please get in touch with a comment.


  1. I bought the templates after my workshop with Daniel Keys, and they are still white, I'm a little intimidated, I'm glad you will blogging about them!

    1. Sandy, All the info I have is already posted . i did the charts in July 2011 and am letting know people know they are available if they might be helpful. So everything is already available, you don't need to wait. Go to the archives on the right and go to 2011 July, July 31, might come up first, but you can then click on July 1 and start from the beginning ad continue posts thru 7/13( not every day has a post, but I did one for each chart as I went along. Just start with the first one which is easiest, every color and then pull it out with white for 4 different levels of value, No mixing with other colors needed for that first one so set an intention for when you will do the first one and then just do it and you'll be beyond the intimidation. It's not a race or anything you will be graded on just an opportunity to learn, so you can let that fear go by leaning into it and taking step one.Good luck, Let me know if I can be of help.
