Monday, January 26, 2015


12 x 16 Oil Painting
by Pat Fiorello

This may look familiar. I did a similar painting last year when I had fresh peonies to work from.  I had wanted to enter it in a show, but forgot to set it aside and sent it to one of my galleries where is was sold recently. So this is similar,       (no two originals are ever exactly the same) done form a reference photo I shot while I had the fresh peonies last year. I wish I can say the second time around was easier- but that's not necessarily so.


  1. I don't think painting flowers well ever gets easier; perhaps if you abstract them more as you did in your trumpet vine flower painting. I love the soft edges and see abstraction here too; maybe just not as much.

    Flowers express joy and happiness; the fragrance uplifts us. What a gift they are as are your paintings.

  2. Thanks so much Carol. If you are interested or know of any other artists who may be interested, please feel free to share that I'm teaching a 3 day workshop in sunny Naples Florida March 23-25 Painting Flowers Alla Prima in Oil. Details at:,1239.html
