Monday, August 10, 2015

After Marilyn, After Ted

After Marilyn, After Ted
9x 12 Oil Painting

If you have been following my blog, you may recall a couple of weeks ago, I had the honor of painting in California with and at the studio of my mentor Marilyn Simandle. She gave me permission to paint from a painting she had previously done, which was inspired by a painting her late husband, the well known artist, Ted Goerschner had done. Hence the title of this piece, "After Marilyn, After Ted".

It's a time honored tradition to "copy" the masters as a way of learning.   You may gain new insights into approaches by getting out of your own style and comfort zone.  Remember while "copying" purely for learning reasons is a good idea, artists, whether professional or hobbyists, need to honor copyright law and not then use those paintings for sale or exhibition. They are purely learning exercises.

This exercise did help me practice with a sense of looseness with the background and simplification of forms which I hope to bring more of into my own paintings moving forward.


  1. You've done a beautiful job on the painting, congratulations. How wonderful to have painted with Marilyn Simandle. I did not know her husband had passed away. Sorry to hear that, I have long enjoyed both of their painting styles and have books from each of them.

    1. Thank you Vikki. Yes Ted passes away about 2-3 years ago. Marilyn is doing well. Both gifted artists and teachers. all the best to you in your journey with art.
