Wednesday, October 7, 2015


8 x 16 Painting by Pat Fiorello


Tried something new today.  After I had gone thru a number of photo's, cropped them down to explore different design ideas and selected a subject for the day, but before I started painting, I wrote in a journal what my intentions for the painting were.  The words that came up were "Timeless Beauty", "more feeling, less literal", "simplify, not overly detailed"," romantic", "sensitive" and one quote from my mentor, Marilyn Simandle, "paint 18 inches down" ( meaning move from the head to the heart).

While this might look like it has a lot of detail, it really does not have anywhere near the detail that I could see. I held myself back from going any further and had a lot of fun being very free with this and was pretty happy with the outcome. So I think I'll continue to experiment with setting the intention before painting and actually writing it down to keep me present to where I wanted to head and see if that may become a regular part of my painting process.

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