Friday, May 25, 2018

Sweet Heart

Sweet Heart
12 x 16 Oil Painting
by Pat Fiorello


 I was able to get some beautiful Keira roses from David Austin through a local floral wholesaler, Cut Flowers in Atlanta. Thought they'd look great in this ruby red vase that I added to my prop collection last month.

Here are some of the earlier stages along the way.

 I took some artistic license making the vase smaller and the flowers larger- they are the main event, after all. The flowers changed quite a bit from one day to the next, so some adjustments were needed but here's how the painting began for the initial block in.

The set-up

Initial drawing or value map
Laying in the darks first
Added background value
Begin adding shadows on flowers, table top values
Add light shapes. From here, begin to refine all shapes to transitions between lights and shadows, and adjust shapes and color temperatures and needed. The final painting. "Sweet Heart" is at the top of this post.

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