Thursday, July 19, 2018

For Shelly

For Shelly
6 x 8 oil painting
by Pat Fiorello
Not Available
A friend of mine, Shelly, has been on several of my painting workshops in Italy and France. This year she joined me in Tuscany. Our group of 9 stayed in a lovely private villa where each night dinners were specially prepared for us. The table was beautifully set and we'd  always have flowers picked from the villa's own garden to decorate the dinner table. Shelly was asked to create some of the dinner bouquets. This was one of the lovely bouquets she created for us to enjoy.

Shelly recently had a special birthday, so I thought it might be nice for her to have a painting of one of her floral creations as a memory of our wonderful time in Tuscany together.  I surprised her with it this week and she was delighted to have a reminder of that special evening in Tuscany to enjoy in her home every day.

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