Friday, August 17, 2018

My Secret Garden

My Secret Garden
12 x 16 Painting
by Pat Fiorello


Many years ago while on a trip to Italy teaching a painting workshop, I stumbled across a back alleyway in the small town of Pienza. I don't even think it's an official through street, just a way for some of the homeowners to get to their yards and garages.

Close up
 This alley has the most wonderful and abundant collections of flower pots that catch the light in such a beautiful way.  Every time I take a group of students to Pienza, I share my garden discovery.  I love spending time there, taking photos and just soaking in the beauty and peace. Just on the other side of this street is the main street of the town with its shops and tourist activity, but a few hundred feet away is this peaceful quiet garden.

 I'm sure others have discovered it too, but I like to think of it as my secret garden. This painting was inspired by my most recent visit there this June.

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