Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Emerald Jar

The Emerald Jar
16 x 20 oil painting
by Pat Fiorello

You may have noticed I'm not posting to my blog as frequently as in the past. There are 2 reasons for that.

 Part of that is one of my goals for this year has been to create larger paintings, which are more complex and time consuming, so I don't have  as many completed paintings as in the past.

But the bigger part is that on January 1, 2020, I kicked off a campaign, #Beauty365, where I committed to share something of beauty every single day this year. Beauty can restore us from the things that wear us down in life and these days it seems like there's a lot of that going on.  So my commitment is to share something beautiful each day- whether a photo of flowers,  an inspiring landscape, my own paintings or art created by someone else to provide a moment of beauty each day. You can take a deep breath and get re-grounded when you see something beautiful and have that sense of pleasure and peace.

I am sharing those posts daily on both Facebook and Instagram. I invite you to follow me there to stay in touch and get a little extra moment of beauty in your day.

 You can follow me on Facebook at
or Instagram at

I'm also posting both my larger paintings and small studies on my on-line gallery at   See.

And as always, we can say connected on what's new and upcoming events, workshops etc. through my monthly "Bringing Beauty to the World" newsletter.  If you don't already receive it and would like to be included, you can sign up for free on the home page of my website, Look for the sign up box near the bottom of the page. Your information is only used for newsletter purposes and never shared anywhere else. You can sign up here.

So I'll continue to share on this blog from time to time, but as the world continues to change, there are more current and direct ways to keep connected and I invite you to be in touch there.

Thanks so much for your interest in my artwork.
 May you have a beautiful day!
With gratitude,

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