16 x 16 Oil Painting
by Pat Fiorello
Bought some flowers at Trader Joe's for a painting demo on vases I was doing for my watercolor class this week. I was planning on just picking up anything since the demo was focused on how to handle the stems in the vase, but saw hydrangeas( one of my favorite flowers) and the ranunculus and decided to get both and make a little arrangement Arranged the flowers and got up early the next day while the flowers were still fresh and started this painting in oil in my studio. Did some more work on it later that night and then finished it up yesterday. This was one that really flowed, hence the name Joy. It was a joy to both arrange the flowers and paint them.
If you'd like to learn more about painting flowers, there's a wonderful opportunity coming up in beautiful Highlands, NC at the Bascom. I'll be teaching a 3 day Painting Flowers in Watercolor workshop where we'll be painting from fresh flowers. It's Monday-Weds. May 6-8. For more info contact me or see
The Bascom's website. To register you can contact Sara Hill at the Bascom at shill@thebascom.org.
This is lovely, Pat. It has a nice softness to it, and I love the background color.